Monday, January 13, 2014

Expenses should be lesser than Income

No matter how much you make, if you spend more than you make, you are on your way to getting poorer and poorer. In other words, a billionaire who spends more than he makes is worse than an average person who spends less than his income. Spending more than what you make basically implies that you are borrowing to cover that extra expenditure, which ultimately leads you into debts.

So if you have been spending more than you make, you need to quit, and instead begin spending less than your income. That is the only way you will be able to save some money, avoid debts and afford a healthier financial lifestyle, take care of emergencies and make investments. Here are some suggestions to help you quit spending more than you make:


It is important to know how you are spending your money. So you should make a budget, which shows all your income sources and your expenses, usually on a monthly basis or whatever time frame you prefer. Just make sure that your expenditure is less than your income, and then stick to this budget, while also devising means of cutting on some non-fixed and unnecessary expenses.


Open a savings account and make saving a part of your lifestyle. The best way is to have some a certain amount or percentage of your income going directly into your savings account. And when you are making your budget, don’t include this money. Just assume you don’t have it available for you and work with whatever else you have left. At the same, continue adding some more funds into your savings account whenever you get a surplus out of your budget.


If it was not on budget and in plan, you need to think twice before you make that purchase. Even when you think you want it, is it necessary? Do you really need it? Don’t buy an item the first time you see it. First go home and think about it and see if it fits within your budget and if it is something that you really will need. Otherwise, keep that money.


You will definitely have those items that are necessary and therefore you have got to spend on them. Nevertheless, you should always try to think of how you can spend less on them. For instance, you can park your food to work, take the train/bus, use coupons, etc. Such practices will not stop you from leading a similar lifestyle. Rather, you will save more on similar items.


Look out for sales and special offers before you go shopping. Check out different stores to see if there is a better deal somewhere else. Comparison shopping can be a little tedious but it is usually worth the effort, considering that you will most likely find a better deal somewhere. Most household items are not sold at similar prices in all stores, so it is in your best interest to do your homework first.


In other words, don’t try to stretch yourself to the limit even when it is something you like. For instance, you might feel you want that mansion across the street, but if that mortgage you are about to undertake seems like it is too much for your budget, then you cannot afford. Take on a financial life that you can afford and not one that will put you into debts.


If you have some money saved from your budget at the end of the month, you don’t have to spend it. Instead, put it aside or move it forward to the following month or budget period. This way, you will have some money to save or pay for an item you need without going over your expense limit.

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